Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Cheerful Tulips

I love tulips, they are so cheerful and pretty and instantly brighten up a room. I've been noticeably absent from this little space. I've not been shy about the fact that I've suffered from depression since a young age and this past week has been a bad one. I don't deal very well with uncertainty and at the moment there is plenty of that in my life. Today is the first day in the last ten that I've not been in tears (so far) and with that gloomy record in need of breaking, I popped into Marks & Spencer after work yesterday to pick up a few bunches of these cheerful blooms. It also helps that after a miserable start the sun has graced us with its presence and today I am able to work from home. Apart from work, I've completely shut myself off from the world lately and haven't been eating, so I'm spending the day catching up with blog posts (Bloglovin is telling me I have 329 unread!), drinking lots of tea and trying to slowly come out of the bubble I've been living in lately. 

I hope you're all having a good week, I'm looking forward to reading all your posts I've missed.

Linking up with IBOT, Random Wednesday


  1. I love tulips too! Love the cute vases you put them in :)

  2. So beautiful!!!!
    Glad they are cheering you up, and I hope you get a bit more certainty in your life soon xx

  3. Such cheerful flowers! Love tulips!! BTW, found ur blog via Shana's link up!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog
    Win a handbag of your choice (approx value $250)

  4. Tulips are beautiful!

  5. It's the little things isn't it? Beautiful flowers. For me its being curled up on the sofa with blogs to read and a big mug of tea. I also have a silly amount of unread posts to catch up on! Glad you're feeling happier :) x


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