Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Times running away...

Time seems to be flying by and I can't believe that I've not posted since Thursday.  This was definitely one of the best weekends and I do want to write about it but the last two days I have been so busy working on a project and I've literally not had two minutes to think about it. Let's just say that I've seen how the other half live and I'd quite like a bit of it! 

But now back to reality. New Year seems like it was only last week and yet here we are in July, preparing for the schools to break up in only two weeks and I have so much left to get done.  Please bear with me for the rest of the week whilst I try to catch up with my schedule and I promise that I'll fill in the gaps with what I've been up to! For now, it's back to work.

Catch you all later in the week!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like it's been the same here too. Not enough time to write all the thoughts :(


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