Wednesday 29 April 2015

Sandals and Witches

So after yesterday's rather down post here's something more lighthearted (well I may mean strange) today. I love it when the weather is warm enough to wear sandals, they are probably my favourite type of shoe, so comfy, freeing and they make sure I get a pedicure as I don't feel dressed without a pop of colour on my teo nails! These sandals are probably my favourites. I actually bought them in New Look two summers ago and up until now have lasted me pretty well. Unfortunately I don't think that the zip at the back are going to last too much longer and I'll be so sad to throw them out. Don't get me wrong, I do have plenty more sandals at home, but these are by far the comfiest having a spongy and moulded insole (do sandals have insoles?) that really help with my fibromyalgia pain, which is surprising as they cost quite a bit less than other pairs I own.  I took the girls into New Look last weekend and they have a great selection of sandals again this year, so in hoping to take a better look this weekend and try to find a similar pair. 
The only thing I dislike about sandals even though it contradicts what I've just said, is that my toes are on show! I have small feet (a UK 3-4, whereas our older girls are a 5 and 7 already). Now I don't specialise in Early Modern history whatsoever but one of the things I remember is about the witch hunts and trials that went on in Britain, Europe and North  America between the 15th and 18th centuries. Without going into historian mode basically magic, witchcraft and sorcery were big themes partly due to religious sectarianism and the fear of 'devil worshipping' threatening Christianity was especially prevalent within the educated elite. Many people were accused of being witches, put on trial and punished. 

So, where do my feet fit in to this you may be wondering? Well, most evidence against women accused was based on superstition and evidence collected from other people however, there were some physical attributes which obviously meant you were guilty! One of which being that if the toe next to your big toe was longer then you were most definitely a witch - and yes out of the whole class I was of course the only one. 

After the whole witch investigation we thought we'd take a look at the persecution of other marginals of society and lo and behold I would have also been punished for being a prostitute! Yes, not only do I have a toe longer than than my big toe, I also have a big gap between it and my middle three toes, they are joined together, which means I was destined from birth to be a whoring witch! There really wasn't much hope for me in the Early Modern period, I would have most likely have been drowned in the local witching pool or worse (fellow students had great fun deciding my fate). 

Thank goodness I was born in the 20th century, although being a witch could come in useful. I can think of a few situations where I could use some magic at the moment. 
So there you have it, probably the most random post I've ever written and the reason for my foot insecurity! If you catch me looking at your feet in the summer you now know why, I'm looking for my witchy partner in crime! Although, I'd like to thoroughly refute the prostitute claims!

Now, on that note my black cat and I are going to get some brunch, then get down to the office. On my broomstick of course!

Have a great Wednesday.


Linking up with Shanna, WIWW 

1 comment:

  1. Love your shoes and your pedi looks great! Stop by my link up if you get a chance.


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