Thursday, 12 June 2014

Healthy Habits // Breakfast Smoothies

Oh how things can change in a week! Last week for Katie's Healthy Habits link up, I talked about how I'm fighting fibro by staying active despite the pain. I mentioned those days where it does flare up so bad that I am bed ridden due to the pain. Well it's been one of those weeks. I felt it coming on Friday and by Tuesday I was unable to walk and covered in heat patches and hot water bottles to help with the pain. Thankfully, it now seems to have passed but I'll be taking it easy for the rest of the week. Even though last week I said that I push through the pain of exercising to keep me mobile, I also realise that I must listen to my body and give my body the rest it needs during these flare ups. It also means that I haven't prepared the post I was planning today as I've been unable to string a sentence together this week (fibro fog is very real!).

However, I like to get a healthy start to my morning (which is even more important during and after a flare up). I usually start by drinking a cup of fruit tea or hot water with lemon. This wakes up your metabolism, aids digestion throughout the day and helps rid your body of toxins. Weekday mornings I will usually make a breakfast smoothie aswell as it is quick and easy when I need to get out of the house along with two acai berry capsules.

Here is my favourite at the moment, please note that I don't really pay much attention to measures I just throw it all in and blend!

Half a cup of water or coconut water
Chia seeds
Maca powder
Almond butter

To make things even easier, I prepare my servings once I've been shopping, put them into freezer bags and pull one out of the freezer the night before. Then all I have to do is add water and blend - simple!

It's important to make sure that there is some protein at breakfast, note the almond butter.

So, today I will be mainly working from home, go for a little walk and having lots of cuddles with our baby bunnies :) 

How do you kick start your healthy day? I hope that you are having a good week so far. 


Linking up with Katie


  1. Sorry you had a tough week, glad to hear you are feeling a little better. I've read a lot of recipes with maca powder but have never used it, I might have to make a trip to the health food shop!

  2. 1/1/1 nuts, egg, cheese. (1 oz. nuts, 1 oz. cheese, 1 hard boiled egg.) Nuthin' but protein in the morning, and I eat that 6 days a week.

    Sorry it's been such a rough week for you!

  3. I am with your on the breakfast smoothies! They were the only thing that got me through my first trimester of pregnancy.


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