Wednesday 29 May 2013

I'm just too tired!

I'm not at my best this last week or so.  I've had official confirmation from a specialist that I do indeed have fibromyalgia and my pain and tiredness levels are quite high.  It is also half term and my little monkey didn't cope too well the first few days with the change in routine.  I  trying to remain positive about it all and to be honest I am really, I'm just too darn tired to progress with much this week.

I'm majorly behind on my post writing and am not sure where the hours are going, so tonight I'm thinking "Oh well" and am going to bed! It will all still be there tomorrow! 

My planned posts for this week will be finished off and scheduled for next week instead and I will be back on Friday as normal.  Sometimes life gets in the way and tonight I am surrendering!

Megan and I are going to our old haunt tomorrow to visit our friends.  It will be a full on girly day in the village, complete with a visit to the park then cake and coffee at our favourite coffee shop.  Megan is then going to her friends for a sleepover and Dave and I are going to head out for an evening meal. Just what I need right now, I'm completely worn out and in need of increasing my medication, rest and chilling out for a few days. 

See you at the end of the week, hopefully in my rejuvenated form! :)


1 comment:

  1. Girl, sometimes all we need is a little rest and a break from life. Enjoy your time away, I hope you feel peaceful and rejuvenated!


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