Monday 28 April 2014

Starting Afresh

By the time you read this, I will probably be struggling to get an over anxious child to school, on what will be her first day back after nearly four weeks off due to illness and Easter holidays.  I am dreading it as Monday mornings are usually stressful enough without the extended absence but at the same time I am more than ready to get some normality and routine back in our lives. 

Today will also see the first day of my new 'normal' week. Due to drastic council budget cuts, my job has been cut to just two mornings per week meaning that I will be mostly at home during the week whilst Megan is at school. I am unsettled and nervous about the financial situation I now see myself in, but on another hand I am relishing the opportunity of having the time to work on other areas of my life that I have been unable to do recently. I have had a few projects in mind for a little while now and I guess this is the perfect opportunity to realise these dreams or to at least see if they are viable. I can't take forever in the planning as realistically I need to get things moving as soon as possible, I have a roof to keep over my head and a daughter to provide for. I am excited at the challenge but I won't lie, I have spent many a restless, sleepless night worrying about everything. I can't say too much more at the moment, but I have a lot of work to do this week to get things off the ground. As the saying goes... today is the first day of the rest of my life! 

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and here's to a productive week ahead!

Linking up with Monday Morning Gossip, IBOT, Random Wednesday


  1. Glad the little one us feeling better. Sorry about the job situation. I lost mine in February and it's been rough. I just keep reminding myself that something better will come along and I'm sure the same is true for you (the project? :)

    Thanks for linking up for MMG!

    1. Thank you so much, it's just the worst isn't it. Good luck with everything :)

  2. I used to work for a Council too, and due to budget cuts lost my job altogether in October 2012 :-( ... but in some ways it's turned out to be a blessing in disguise, coz that's when I started my blog! Wishing you all the best financially and with finding what YOU want to do!

    Visiting today from TeamIBOT xxx

    1. Thank you, I'm sure it will be everything seems to be heading in the right direction so far (fingers crossed!). I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job but mixed blessings indeed your blog is lovely :) x

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm thinking of putting it up on my wall :)

  4. Oh no, I am sorry that your job has been cut back :( It is a great opportunity to pursue some new interests though so I love your positive stance on it.

    1. I'm refreshed after a long weekend which is helping the positivity. Hopefully lots of good things to come, thank you:)

  5. I hope you are able to start on these projects and they bring in the success and income you need. Sorry to hear about the cut backs at work, but I hope that with the closed doors, new openings will happen for you. :)

    1. Thank you :) All plans are in progress and fingers crossed they will work out in time. Thank you for your lovely comment :)

  6. I hope this all ends up being a blessing in disguise. Good luck with everything. xx

    1. I actually feel better now I'm working on something for me, thank you :) xx

  7. Wow 4 weeks off would have been hard! How did she go? My son is never that keen to go back to school after just 2 days off. I hope like Jess that the job situation is a blessing in disguise -Aroha

    1. It sure was hard, haha! I'm hoping we're getting back into the swing of it now but I'm with you, Monday mornings are not good child wise!

  8. They say everything happens for a reason I hope there's a silver lining in your cloud. Have a happy week!

    1. Thank you so much. Have a good week too :)

  9. Visiting for the first time via IBOT - good luck with getting your ideas off the ground.

    1. Thank you for stopping by :) Have a lovely week!


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